picture describing motif

The MOTIF of My Forefathers

To start in a vigorous way is good

And to continue in a militant force is better

But the end, though seems infinite will justify the mean.

Some people struggles for everything

Some struggles for something

Some struggles for nothing

Struggling will never end

But, it may end one day

Though the brutal of it may still begin

If the prior is mistakenly lost;

By a lofty, sinning heart

That takes no thought of eternal

Sorrow and crying will never end

But, it may end one day

Though the dangerous part of it may still begin

If a trip to Calvary’s bliss is missed

My forefathers are great

They live a wealthy healthy life.

Less pollution, Less of struggle

Though they toil in the day and weak in the night.

They are wise in their thought,

Though, civilization proved them wrong.

They eat, live, war, hunt, farm, kill and love

But all in their own will

They were controlled by their own passion

Their way of life is fun and wearisome

Their craft works is their father

Which they reference per day

I want to become great

But, not like my great forefathers

They are great but with pseudo-end

Not a day they dream of Home

But in their house they made a home

With their idols served as king and chiefs

Their mistakes will they ever realize

As they were being preserved in heaven’s furnace

I will… I must… I shall… by all means

Not to die like them in eternal ignorance

Thereby I think well and make Jesus my King Because He owns the Key of Life

Written by Benjamin Bamidele

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